Speech & Drama T&Cs


  • The parent should contact the teacher with any concerns regarding the lessons.
  • It is the Pupil’s responsibility to inform the teacher of any school-scheduled activity or trip that will impact on the agreed lesson, giving a minimum of one week’s notice.
  • Any cancellations or changes to agreed lessons must be mutually agreed in advance.
  • Lessons missed through pupil’s non-attendance will be charged for, (Unless the circumstances warrant a special concession, which is at the discretion of the Teacher)
  • Pupils may not swap their lesson with another pupil without first notifying the Teacher.


  • From September, lessons will cost £150 for 10 half hour lessons per term.
  • The fee will be billed to parents during the term by the teacher and should be paid within two weeks.
  • Parents will be invoiced by the teacher for Examinations as part of the termly bill as and when appropriate. Payment must be made by the date requested by the teacher to ensure entry for examinations. Once entry fees are submitted to the exam board, no refunds are possible due to the exam board’s terms and conditions.
  • If the teacher is absent, the lesson will be rescheduled or, if this is not possible, any adjustment will be made for any shortfall in the next term’s invoice.


  • Written notice to discontinue lessons should be given with half a term’s notice.


  • Reports on the progress of the pupil will be made verbally to parents as and when appropriate thoroughly the year. Please note, there is no formal written report for Speech and Drama lessons. Whilst Teachers do their best to encourage pupils, the rate of progress is dependent on pupil’s aptitude and commitment.